Thursday, May 14, 2009

Rough Spectator Sport???

The very first soccer game of the season- Andrew was climbing into a camp chair, the chair fell over, and he cried the rest of the game. I knew he'd hurt his arm because he screamed when he had to use it or anyone touched it, but there was no swelling or bruising which I knew we were supposed to watch for. A few days later at the 18month check up- the dr took an x-ray, and sure enough there was a fracture on both bones of his right arm. So, for 3 weeks he wore a splint that he didn't like too much, but we covered it with long sleeve shirts, and endured.

1 comment:

Melissa O said...

Poor little guy...You know what? In those first couple of pictures I think he looks a bit like Jessie. I never noticed that before.